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At we believe strongly in protecting our users' privacy. We will not wilfully disclose information about our users to any third party without first receiving the relevant user's consent. This Privacy Policy sets out the privacy practices for the services offered on any owned and/or operated websites. Some parts of our on-line systems and services and our collaborative agreements are operated on our behalf by third-party organisations. By submitting your personal information you are consenting to the website holding it, in accordance with this policy, and where necessary carrying out these services by providing the relevant information to such organisations.


Cookie policy


This site uses cookies. A cookie is a small text file stored on your computer containing information on your browser activity. We use Google Analytics on to review and evaluate the site’s performance, which helps us improve your experience on the site. Thus the need for and the use of cookies.


Google Analytics stores information about:

  • the pages you visit on and how long you spend on each page

  • how you got to the site

  • what you click on while visiting the site


We do not use cookies for storing sensitive information, nor for remarketing purposes or for the purpose of recording behaviour or any other purpose that might threaten your privacy or security. Also, we do not use cookies in conjunction with third-party cookies.


A cookie is stored on your computer for up to two years. To avoid having cookies received, download and install Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.



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