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Although every effort has been made to ensure that this site contains accurate quality content, the Study in Europe group cannot take responsibility for any difficulties that may arise in connection to the use of the information on this site. The information listed on this site is subject to change.


The Study in Europe group cannot take responsibility for the quality or content of the courses or programmes listed on this website. Individuals should contact the institution of higher education concerned to inform themselves about any possible obligations and regulations that may affect their course of study. The Study in Europe group cannot take responsibility for any complications that may occur during the process of obtaining the necessary documents for legal residence in Sweden.


Study in Europe group takes no responsibility for the consequences of error or for any loss or damage suffered by users of any of the information published on any of these pages, and such information does not form any basis of a contract with readers or users of it.


It is in the nature of Web sites, many of which are experimental or constantly changing, that information published may be for test purposes only, may be out of date, or may be the personal opinion of the author. Readers should verify information gained from the Web with the appropriate authorities before relying on it.


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